Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Mind hacking?

Just seen something about tricking the brain.  One guy could put a imagine in your head with a light.  Others were trying to down load the info off your brain..
Honestly i hope none of this gets to advanced.. probably will though. Look at a little thumb drive, used to only may out at 64mb now its 64gigs, that's insane. 
That's all for now..
Check out funmotion.com

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Online only next gen consoles

I've read this in a magazine heard about it.  Pretty much they want to crack down on people copying games or with the xbox 360 you could swap disc and use only one disc for multiple xbox's. 
So what happens if you live out in the country?   There are still places with dial up only.  I don't know why when there is 3g and 4g.   I definitely do not support this.
There target buyers are more open to every one now.  For the old consoles you could choose not to own one because its targeted at gamers.   I'm very happy about this. There adding a lot more features that change it from a gaming console to a entertainment device.  
Some of the features ''xbox one''
-game dvr
-netflix obviously
-more open developing
-possible free to play games and mmos
-cable hook up on back
-kinkect ships in every box
-better music player
-may require online to play games (downgrade)
-Achievements are more integrated into games
-New controller
-more friendly ui
-a lot of power under the hood
-blue ray disc (30gigs instead of cd 5gig.
-8gig of ram instead of 512mb
Some of those are old but definitely comes with improvements.  I'm really exciting for the new consoles.  Its hard when your such a pc fan/gamer.   Its not you could play stronghold crusader on a console or awesome Indie games. 
The feature I'm looking most forward to??  I definitely couldn't choose one.  You got the new blue ray disc that can pack almost ten gta's in one, and the game dvr, then the large improvement on the ram, and video card. 
Now when we get virtual reality or, realistic graphics then I'm set. Till then the next gen consoles will do. 
If you know anything that I'd like to know about the new consoles, definitely tell me about it.  

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Well hello!

Been away for awhile. I've been very busy with work and all my other projects. 

I'm currently working on a small pond and feeding my fish. A good friend and myself have been putting in a good bit of work getting it all finished.  Well its far from finished. 

Hopefully I'll have more time to get back to this project. I want to start writing more articles on tech and new gadgets.   I want to provide the best information i can on all new tech.  Including the new consoles and the vr.  Virtual reality system that's coming soon.   What i get from the articles is that it will be coming out with the new consoles later this year.

From what i seen from this vr is its getting support from some of the big names in the gaming industry.
It actually looks pretty interesting. Its not like the old vr we had when we were younger.    You remember how it used to give you head aches and it wasn't really vr.  It was more of a game boy big screen tv for the 90's.

So this vr actually follows your head movement.  You move your head and it tracks where you are looking.   For now its only for the pc since the new systems probably couldn't handle running the software.  You know the consoles aren't very friendly to new ideas. 

Another thing I've read was the new consoles are going to start offering free to play games.  More mmo's.    Its something US computer people are used to and the consoles are just now catching up.  Its actually really simple and it took them this long to get on board. 

Another thing you might not know already is that world of war craft was supposed to be on the xbox 360 but it was canceled  due to the lack of market and the hard ware the 360 lacked. 

Now we all love the consoles but every one knows if they don't catch up to the pc's there gonna die.  What's the point in playing on console if you can't play free games that are actually worth playing or playing new games from new developers. 

All in all.. the new consoles are almost pointless if they don't implement the new features that allow you to mimic the pc. 

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