Saturday, July 20, 2013

New xbox 360?

It looks like the new xbox one.  Almost got me.

New monster hunter, pikmen game

Both are for the wii u unfortunately because i don't have 200 dollars for a console I'm only,buying two games for.
If i had the extra money i would definitely buy the wii u. It has some very good games but you definitely have to check out monster hunter.  
Monster hunter is a hard core action strategy game.  Its all real time dragon fighting with a massive axe, sword or cross bow.  Imagine your in the time of the dinosaurs and there are bad ass dragons!   
The new Pikmen looks amazing.  I'm pretty sure the cover is a picture of clay figures.  
You can play these only on the wii u

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Must watch shows

You definitely want to watch prison break about a brother helping his set up brother get out of prison before he is executed.  Follow the brothers though more then 40 episodes at an hour each you'll be watching for weeks.
Hustle is  about a group of cons called griefters working scams to make it large. 
You can catch both of these shows on the all new axs tv in early morning.
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