I've read this in a magazine heard about it. Pretty much they want to crack down on people copying games or with the xbox 360 you could swap disc and use only one disc for multiple xbox's.
So what happens if you live out in the country? There are still places with dial up only. I don't know why when there is 3g and 4g. I definitely do not support this.
There target buyers are more open to every one now. For the old consoles you could choose not to own one because its targeted at gamers. I'm very happy about this. There adding a lot more features that change it from a gaming console to a entertainment device.
Some of the features ''xbox one''
-game dvr
-netflix obviously
-more open developing
-possible free to play games and mmos
-cable hook up on back
-kinkect ships in every box
-better music player
-may require online to play games (downgrade)
-Achievements are more integrated into games
-New controller
-more friendly ui
-a lot of power under the hood
-blue ray disc (30gigs instead of cd 5gig.
-8gig of ram instead of 512mb
Some of those are old but definitely comes with improvements. I'm really exciting for the new consoles. Its hard when your such a pc fan/gamer. Its not you could play stronghold crusader on a console or awesome Indie games.
The feature I'm looking most forward to?? I definitely couldn't choose one. You got the new blue ray disc that can pack almost ten gta's in one, and the game dvr, then the large improvement on the ram, and video card.
Now when we get virtual reality or, realistic graphics then I'm set. Till then the next gen consoles will do.
If you know anything that I'd like to know about the new consoles, definitely tell me about it.